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Friday, September 6, 2013

RE: [Acc - Com] Professional tax accounting firm in Perth


Dear Selly,


Bukan perubahan, tetapi tambahan khusus.

Tambahan khusus yang dimaksud adalah pengenaan Pajak bagi Wajib Pajak yang memiliki penghasilan bruto tertentu.

Dimana WP yang omset bruto setahun kurang dari 4.8 Miliar, akan menerapkan ketentuan PP No. 46 Tahun 2013, yaitu pajak bersifat final sebesar 1% dari omset bruto.

Sedangkan jika omset bruto setahun lebih dari 4.8 Miliar, tetap menerapkan ketentuan UU No.36 Tahun 2008 (PPh Pasal 25).

Untuk lebih jelasnya, dapat dilihat uraian pembahasannya di blog saya : http://ldc-group.blogspot.com/ dengan judul "Per 1 Juli 2013, UMKM dikenai PPh bersifat Final"


Thanks & Best Regard,



Ridwan Andretya Cunis, SE.


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http://ldc-group.blogspot.com/ (Luminous Dream Core)

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From: acc-com@yahoogroups.com [mailto:acc-com@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Selly Lee
Sent: 06 September 2013 16:39
To: acc-com@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Acc - Com] Professional tax accounting firm in Perth



Hi fren,


Mau nny mngenai pph 25 ni, kabarna ad perubahan uu dr menkeu y?

Perubahan ap y?

Mohon bantuanna.





Selly Lee
PT. Surya Global Kencana
Komp. Green Town Blok R No. 2
Bengkong Laut - Batam Island, Indonesia

Phone. +62 778 7071899
Fax. +62 778 458453


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 3, 2013, at 1:49 PM, <johnstephen810@yahoo.com> wrote:


While browsing on the Internet for professional tax accounting service firm in Perth, I had visited http://www.businessmantra.com.au , this site offers professional tax accounting, bookkeeping, business strategies and consulting, superannuation, accounting software training, tax and business advice for small and big corporate in Perth. 


Hire tax accountants for tax accounting services in Perth. They have professional tax accountants for tax accounting.


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