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Sunday, January 1, 2012

[Acc - Com] File - Information of Website Acc-Com


Teman-teman Accounting Community,

Kunjungilah website komunitas ini di


Bagi teman-teman yang ada pertanyaan atau ingin berbagi mengenai kasus-kasus akuntansi dan keuangan, dapat langsung email ke acc-com@yahoogroups.com
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Di website tersebut, anda dapat mendownload file dan foto yang berhubungan dengan materi akuntansi. Semua fitur tersedia di sidebar website. Untuk mendownload file, klik pada files. Untuk mendownload foto, klik pada photos.

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Terima kasih atas partisipasi teman-teman di komunitas ini.


President of Accounting Community

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Accounting community

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1 comment:

  1. Ada LOkernih

    Tax & Accounting Manager
    • Male/ Female, Age max 35 years old
    • Min Bachelor's Degree (S1) from a reputable university; Majoring in Accounting
    • At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field
    • Preferably having experience in Public Accounting Firms or as Coordinator/Supervisor specializing in Tax - General/Cost Accounting or equivalent
    • Ability to produce accounting reports (income statement/balance sheet/cash flow, etc)
    • Understand how to handle TAX (PPN/PPH 21/23)
    • Have previous experience with more than 3 direct reports
    • Proactive and motivated with positive & energetic attitude
    • Excellent memory and organizational ability, in order to set priorities, organize workload
    • Can handle multiple responsibilities and meet deadlines
    • Proven knowledge of finance, accounting, budgeting, auditing, and cost control principles
    • Required language(s): English
    • Applicants must be willing to work in Karawaci, Tangerang Area
    If your requirements meet to our needs, you will be invited to join our selection.
    Send your application & CV to recruitment@margamandala.co.id
