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Friday, May 11, 2012



Company : PT Dwi Sumber Arca Waja

Address : Kabil Industrial Estate




We are multinational company of manufacturing structure pipe, Oil & Gas Industry.

Needed :


Accounting :


* Single, Female, 20 - 30 years old

* Diploma / Degree in Accounting

* Experience in Finance & Accounting

* Fresh Graduated are welcome

* Computer literate ; MS Office,

* Can operate of accounting system / MYOB Accounting

* English spoke & Written is must.

* Good communication, hard working , independent.

* Good Interpersonal Skill




If you interested of this vacancy please send CV by email to Wahyudin@ptdsaw.co.id or recruitment@ptdsaw.co.id









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Accounting community




We are multinational company of manufacturing structure pipe, Oil & Gas Industry.
Needed :
Accounting :
* Single, Female, 20 - 30 years old
* Diploma / Degree in Accounting
* Experience in Finance & Accounting
* Fresh Graduated are welcome
* Computer literate ; MS Office,
* Can operate of accounting system / MYOB Accounting
* English spoke & Written is must.
* Good communication, hard working , independent.
* Good Interpersonal Skill
If you interested of this vacancy please send CV by email to Wahyudin@ptdsaw.co.id or recruitment@ptdsaw.co.id

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Accounting community


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

[Acc - Com] PSAK 57


3 syarat di kategorikan sebagai liabilitas?

Apa saja y?

Kalau ada yang bisa, tolong jawabin ya ibu2 dan bapak2.


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Accounting community


Monday, May 7, 2012

Re: [Acc - Com] PPN telekomunikasi di batam


Ad ridwan, ad peraturan mengenai PPN batam

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

From: "Ridwan" <genjring_chou@yahoo.com>
Sender: acc-com@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 05:18:52 +0000
To: <acc-com@yahoogroups.com>
ReplyTo: acc-com@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Acc - Com] PPN telekomunikasi di batam


Dear all,

Ada yang tahu gak ya mengenai peraturan PPN atas jasa telekomunikasi di batam?
Akhir2 ni kan di kenai PPN atas telekomunikasi ϑί batam.
Apakah ada ketentuan atau syarat2 ♈ǝлƍ mngatur?
Atau tman2 ada yang punya peraturannya gak ya?
Best Regard,

Ridwan Andretya Cunis
Sent from RAC BlackBerry®
Powered by sinyal kuat INDOSAT

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Accounting community


[Acc - Com] PPN telekomunikasi di batam


Dear all,

Ada yang tahu gak ya mengenai peraturan PPN atas jasa telekomunikasi di batam?
Akhir2 ni kan di kenai PPN atas telekomunikasi ϑί batam.
Apakah ada ketentuan atau syarat2 ♈ǝлƍ mngatur?
Atau tman2 ada yang punya peraturannya gak ya?
Best Regard,

Ridwan Andretya Cunis
Sent from RAC BlackBerry®
Powered by sinyal kuat INDOSAT

Recent Activity:
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Accounting community
